The Emerson Review

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

The Emerson Review is Emerson College’s oldest literary magazine, and strives to publish meaningful fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and artwork each year. We accept submissions between August 1 and January 1 for our annual issue, which is published in April. Submissions are reviewed by our genre editors and general reading staff, who are all undergraduate students at Emerson College. 

Simultaneous submissions for multiple genres are acceptable. Please notify us immediately if your piece is accepted elsewhere; we do not accept works that have already been published or are set to be published. Submissions submitted in Word Document (.doc or .docx) format are preferred, but PDFs are also accepted.

Every contributor receives complimentary copies of the issue in which their work appears. Additionally, we will be paying non-Emerson contributors. Unfortunately, due to legality issues, we cannot pay Emerson College students at this time.

Please include the following information in your cover letter:

  1. Short author biography
  2. Word count (for fiction and nonfiction)
  3. Medium (for artwork)
  4. Trigger warnings (if applicable)

We look forward to seeing your work!

The Emerson Review